Thursday, June 29, 2006

The main river in Bangkok. This view is from the ferry boat that is the main mode of transportation in this city.

AFTER 5 MONTHS OF JUST US.....OUR FIRST VISITOR! YEAH!!!!! We were lucky enough to be all travelling in Thailand at the same time as Jen who graciously greeted us our first night. We had a lovely reunion.

Our first eye full of Bangkok! We were lucky enough to arrive in Bangkok during the correnation (excuse the spelling) of the King. In his honor the city streets were decorated and lined with twikle lights for miles. It was a beautiful sight.

The final stretch! Deli, India

Well, Deli was it for us. Three wonderful, long, emotional, hot, gruling months in India and we lived to tell the tale. We made it without killing anyone including ourselves, however it was a close call a few times. It is a beautiful country which we had the priviledge of getting to know and love.

The crazy streets of the main bazarr in Deli.

Leeches being sold by the bundle. Ummm they are good!!!

A street side flower market in the bustling capital, Deli.

Pushkar, Rajasthan

Shoes anyone? Rajasthan has a plethera of shoes, most are like these you see in the picture, made of pure camel leather. They are a staple to Rajasthan and are very stylish around these parts.

...and after a quick 20mins at the local barber shop she suceeds with flying colours. An estimated 5 inches came right off!

A typcial day for us; Sarah has one of her crazy ideas and decides to cut off all of her hair.

Typical Rajasthan people going about their daily business.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India

I don't know what all the fuss is about. Its not even that big.

Lazy sunday evening hanging out with our new friends behind the Taj Mahal!!! ( including our new goat friend, Moonie).


One of the three bathing Ghats of the famous Ganges river. This is where hundrerds of thousands of people gather from around the world to wash their sins away in this holy water.

The main attraction that draws the crowd into Varanasi are the Ghats, seen here. There are approximately 20 ghats in all and each ghat has its own unique purpose. This pciture shows the main ghat in the wee hours of the morning.

Early morning boat trips are a great way to see the stretch of the Ghats that lie along the river side.

Floating markets are common and cool! Hooray for Varanasi
Every evening, the people of Varanasi gather at the main ghat to marvel over the Pooja ceremonies.